Wednesday 25 June 2014


Good Morning my sweet friends and family, trust you all have been doing very well since the last time we interacted on this platform. I know it’s been a while and I apologize for the long silence, life has been happening lol.

Talking about life, I read something this morning that inspired me to write this.

I was driving to work this morning and for some reason I just began to thank God out loud for everything. For my family, my friends, colleagues, job, ministry, my FiancĂ©e (soon to be wife #winks) for everything especially my family. Most of you don’t know this, but I lost my dad a little over 5 years ago and truth is, I am a witness to the fact that God is the Father of the fatherless and a Husband to the widow. My dad was one of those super dads that made sure you lacked nothing as in nothing. We had the best of everything life could offer and he ensured that that remained the standard despite the fact that he had to on so many occasions, go without some basics that was obvious to us that he needed. He was a super dad like that. There were the once in a while ups and down that is synonymous with life, but on a scale of 1 to 10, I had a 9.7 childhood, leaving the 0.3 for all the spanking that is forever engraved in my mind lol.

It got me thinking about those not so great times growing up, and how we would be at home with nothing to eat except pap and buns and someone would walk in with their problems and pour everything out on my dad expecting that they have come to the one man that could solve the problems of all his extended family members. I would scuff in my mind and walk away. But somehow, after he is done with them, they are all smiles and might even join in on the almost nothing that we had (that was very annoying, don’t know how my mum copped #I’mnotwicked #justsaying lol).

We read about the successes of people on the pages of newspapers, we see their glam pictures on glossy magazines and this leaves us wanting and desiring to be successful (which is a very good thing). When we get to church, the bombardment continues. Everyone or almost everyone looks so prim & proper, the car parks are a sight to behold, everything and everyone literarily glitters and you are left amazed. There is barely any channel of the television that you flip to that doesn’t throw glamorous, well photo-shopped & packaged people at us, but what those well groomed folks in church, pictures, magazines and channels don’t show us is the low moments that these people go through.

Let me ask you this question; does it ever cross your mind that everyone, I mean everybody has their low times?

We may not come out to broadcast it to the entire world, but everyone does have their low times. What do you think leads people to indulge in vices like drug abuse, domestic violence etc?

So as I thanked God this morning, it hit me real hard that I am not where I am today because I am the most priviledged or most endowed person. I have had my fair share of hardships and lives issues. My mum, my siblings and I have been through experiences that most families may not have been able to withstand and I have realized that it is only the grace and mercies of God that has brought us through it all.

We are where we are today, I am where I am today because I have God by my side in my ship with me all the way on this journey. Jesus said “I will never leave nor forsake you” and He sure has kept that promise to me and my family.

So I will like to ask you a simple, life changing question; Do you have Jesus as the captain of your ship? Have you made Him the Lord and Master of your life?

If you have, I want to congratulate you and encourage you to hold steadfastly to Him, He has never disappointed anyone that I know, He is not about to start with you.

If you haven’t, I would like you to take a step of faith today and invite Jesus into your life as your Lord and personal Saviour. Just say this short prayer with me; Lord Jesus, I come to you this day accepting that I am a sinner and that you died on the cross for me. I confess my sins to you and invite you into my heart today asking that you be the Lord and Master of my life. Thank you for accepting me Lord, in Jesus’ mighty name I pray, Amen!

I want to congratulate you for taking this step and I know your life will never remain the same. Kindly seek a bible believing church near you and actively participate in the church’s activities.

You can also follow me on twitter @IamOluwaObinna.

I am committed to your Peak Performance.

Have a Blessed day.

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