Wednesday, 11 October 2017


I had an interesting conversation with my mum some nights ago and its plain disturbing the direction things are heading to.
They have a target to double their number (ie attendance per service meeting) within a specific time and the leader in their region was offering financial reward every month for the individual(s) that bring the most number of people to church every month. My mum who is also a regional leader spoke up against this and it almost turned into a war of words.
I share insights with her whenever we have the opportunity to have those our very long talks and its fun sharing Jesus with your mum (some ladies will now come and want to bring their daddy into this discussion now lol). And as the years go by, we are beginning to agree on most of those things I have been pointing out to her about religion and denomination and the rot it is causing in the body of Christ.
From what I gather, some of the pastors have begun to doctor their books in order to meet up with this target. Everyone that came for first service is counted as part of the headcount for second service and combined you have a huge number #ridiculous.
Attendance in house fellowship meetings, eatery hangouts, even people that read the sign posts are tagged as ‘members’ of the church to meet up with ‘target’.
I paused at this point and prayed for the pastors that were involved in this that God will save their souls as they need to repent and come to Christ. But beyond that, my question was; what has God asked them (the pastors) to do? I know that God sets up every commission for a purpose and if you are pastoring people, there has to be something that God has told you is the intention of His heart over that assembly and that’s what you should be complying to.
There is the place for respecting constituted authority, but it has to be in the Lord (if you get what I mean).
Then I remember the passage of scripture in the book of Acts 2:46-47;
 So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the LORD added to the church daily those who were being saved’.
And I am wondering that something is then not right if it is no longer the Lord that adds to His church and people now have to be paid to add people to the numbers. People are heading in the wrong direction fast and they are being led there by people who should know better. The sooner Sons rise up and take their rightful place, the better for the Kingdom.
My conclusion is simple, “Thou shalt have no other god besides Me. Thou shalt worship the Lord Your God, and ONLY Him shalt you serve”. Know this God for yourself lest you be led astray.

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