Tuesday, 27 June 2017


For a while now, my prayer has been that God will redeem and save His church. It has been and still is a burning desire in my heart that the state of the body of Christ becomes more like what the Master instituted it to be other than the charade it currently is in most aspects. I have met quite a number of people who are dissatisfied with the current state of things and have resorted to seeking out God for themselves and I must confess that fellowshipping with these people, I can tell that they are indeed finding God. I have also met quite a few people who are dissatisfied with the current state of things, but for one reason or the other, are unable to make a move towards discovering what the Truth really is. You see, scripture wasn’t kidding when it said that you shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free. Freedom being the key word here.
I for one have been on a long journey of both self and God discovery, and I understand that it can be a precarious journey if you travel that path alone. God graciously sent me men at every turn to either pray with me or fast with me or study with me or just stay there in the place of worship and soak in His presence. We learnt together, journeyed together, taught one another and grew (still growing) together in Him.
I began to understand the love of God which passes all human understanding. The meaning of “fellowship of brethren” which must not be forsaken became clearer and more distinct. We would bump into one another by the roadside or after a meeting and would spend another 2 to 3 hours sharing and dissecting the word and after each meeting, there is a burning desire to go back and spend more time in the place of prayer, study and meditation.
I sense that there are a couple of people out there who are dissatisfied with what they are currently being fed in their local assemblies and there is a burning desire, a yearn in your heart to know more of God. Constantly you try to reach out to Him and sometimes, He does show up in your local assembly but He’s cut off cos’ the allotted time for worship is 15mins and the counter has buzzed red and you are thinking ‘but the Father was just about to step in…’
I know that feeling, and I would like to help you work through it. By the grace of God, I discovered platforms and created some platforms that has helped and is still helping dissatisfied, hungry believers discover God on a whole new level and I am willing to share information with you if you are willing to reach out.
Please note that this decision will pull you out of your comfort zone and challenge most things you have known at the core of your believe system, but it will draw you closer to the Father and you will discover Him for yourself.
My favourite scripture John 4:23 But the hour is coming and now is, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.
There are depths in glory that are only open to those whom the Father seeks to worship Him. The burning desire for God in your heart was put there by Him because He is seeking for you to draw nearer to Him. Come out from the outer courts where the masses are and enter behind the veil.
The Master is waiting…

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