I know you have a clearer picture what season of your life you are in now, and if you don’t, I know you are working on it. One guiding principle that can help you figure it out is to observe your quiet time and “inflect” ie look inwards and think deeply. Open up your heart and allow The Holy Spirit guide you through the process, and please do not cast any thought away as unimportant, at the best, write them down somewhere you might need to come back to it in the nearest future. I pray for you that God will order your thoughts IJMN. Like I would always say, thoughts are things.
I woke up with this persistent nudge to write this morning
and when I asked what I was to write about, I was told “a follow up to your
last post” and 1Kings 18:41 dropped into my spirit.
For 3years, Israel had been in a season of drought and the
land was devastated. This drought was as a result of the proclamation of a man
over the land. Note that Ahab was the principal defaulter here (1 Kings
16:29-33) but the entire land suffered for 3years as a result of the errors of
her leader.
This tells me that the seasons of your life can also be
determined by factors beyond your personal control.
This morning I stand as a messenger and as Elijah declared
to Ahab and Israel, I declare to you and this Nation, “Go up, eat and drink;
for there is the sound of abundance of rain”. A new season heralds upon us. By the
Spirit of God, I cancel the effects of every negative proclamation that has
been made over this Nation, the same tongues that spoke evil over this Nation
shall declare good over her by the authority in Christ Jesus.
You need to prepare for the next season. Farmers sow towards
the end of the dry season, in anticipation of the rains, Prepare for your New
After making the declaration, Elijah went up to mount Carmel
and bowed down to the ground in prayers, Jer 29:7 asks us to pray for the peace
of our Jerusalem, this Nation is our Jerusalem, I make a Clarion call for a few
worshipers who will join me on this mountain and cry out for this Nation that
the Peace of God that passes human understanding may reign over this Nation.
Remember that the seasons of your life can be determined by
the Season your Nation is in.
I am committed to Your Peak Performance.